Cat Stickers: Episode 1

Two tenants of an apartment building attempt to stop whoever's putting up cat stickers everywhere. Joe Bonacci directs and stars in “Cat Stickers,” an absurd comedy about the turmoil an obnoxious neighbor stirs up with his decorative actions and unconvincing denials. The culprit is obvious but the neighbors give him a chance to admit it for himself, something he’s unwilling to do, evading their questions (“I’ve seen them, but this is the first time I’m hearing of it”), and even going on the offensive, admitting he’s attempted to break into one of their apartments (“I’ve tried to get in there before, it’s always locked”). The series of interactions turn the neighbors from gently annoyed to full-on infuriated. It’s a fun bit, short and sweet, with funny performances from its three improvising leads, some sort of bizarro Law & Order episode with no stakes that goes nowhere. Written, directed and edited by Joe Bonacci. Starring Tabitha Vidaurri, Joe Bonacci, Lucas McGowen. DP: Joe Ciccarella.

Cat Stickers: Episode 2

Local enthusiast accused of putting up cat stickers continues to create havoc for his former and current neighbors. “Cat Stickers 2,” by Joe Bonacci, the ludicrous follow-up to the already ludicrous “Cat Stickers 1,” doubles down with more absurdity! more stickers! more neighbor outrage! Fortunes have changed for the infamous cat sticker bandit. You may remember from the original that he was under attack with accusations of plastering cat decals everywhere, a crime he implausibly denied. Well now he’s moved into a luxury penthouse, thanks to the money he earned by suing his former neighbors for harassment. When one of them shows up expecting an apology or some sort of payment, she’s dragged back into the mess. To those who would question the need to revisit this saga…you are exactly right! Nonetheless here it is, in all its harebrained glory. -KA. Director / Editor: Joe Bonacci. Cast of Improvisers: Joe Bonacci, Tabitha Vidaurri, Andrew Tisher, and Eytan Boclin. Director of Photography: Joe Ciccarella. Sound: Frank Flaherty.